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The philosophy

Attention energizes and intention transforms


Whatever we pay attention to grows strong and grows, while whatever we pay no attention to decays and disintegrates in our consciousness.

Like a seed fallen into the fertile soil of attention, intention contains the mechanism of its own fulfillment and possesses infinite power, capable of creating and organizing an infinity of events.   




What do we grow every day in the garden of our thoughts  ?

The quality of our thoughts governs  our moods , our moods and generates  pleasant or unpleasant emotions.

Imagine your mind as an abandoned garden. Anything grows, no matter how: weeds, thistles, nettles, wasteland... What would you do? It is the same with the mind. Hence the importance of cultivating thoughts that uplift us and eradicating the harmful ones.  Yoga and meditation allow us to train and strengthen the body and mind in the direction that elevates us.

  • Turning our attention away from what hurts us, what drags us down, and focuses on what makes us grow, makes us feel good, and uplifts us.

  • Discover the power of setting a clear intention that goes in the direction of who we are and our deep aspirations.

  • Cultivate an Art of Living and watch what is beautiful blossom. 

tale of life  

One evening, a Cherokee Chief was talking to his grandson about the fight that goes on inside each of us:  'There are two wolves in all of us'.


The black wolf  : it is anger, envy, jealousy, sadness, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride, superiority and ego...

The white wolf  : it is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth and compassion.''

After thinking about it for a moment, the grandson asks  : '' Grandpa, which wolf wins  ? ''

The old Indian responds simply  : ''The one you feed...''


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